Thursday, December 2, 2010

to the victor go the spoils

With November just a distant memory, the Throwdown has officially come to an end. I embarked on this challenge with Katie just four short weeks ago, so that we could motivate one another to accomplish great distances in our respective running programs.

Katie technically beat me on this challenge with 39.27 miles to my 39. While I talked a big game on the weekend, my intentions were bigger than my resolve. In the end, I found myself in a position similar to that immortalized in the photo above....should have seen it coming! ;)

The truth? Everyone's a winner!
You see, this is one of my greatest milage months to date. I could not have done it without the constant threat of annihilation from Katie. tee hee.

Not only did we get in some great mileage, but we managed to inspire a few other bloggers to come together in competition. I encourage you to visit the other contenders to read about their challenges. Some have even renewed the battle for December:
Big Clyde and Alan
Jess and J
Travis and The Traveler

Now......what goals have you set for December??

Keep on keepin' on!


  1. OK the competitive part of me is glad that I won, but I'm also glad that it was BARELY because that means we both kicked butt this month!!! i really enjoyed this competition with ya girlie!

    <3 Katie

  2. My goal: Beat Clyde. Congrats Katie and Rae.

  3. Way to get motivated and motivate!

  4. and there you go referencing one of my all-time favourite movies! love it. good on you for the mileage! i am one week into a one-month unlimited gym membership, so my december goal is to go to four classes a week before christmas, so that i don't completely blow out before the new year x

  5. Nice work! Your miles definitely outnumbered mine for sure!

  6. Nothing beats motivation - it's the fuel for all good things :). Great job, girl!!

  7. Racked up a nice chuck of miles this month. Keep it up Raegun!

    How about 45 this month?

  8. December? hmm... I don't know... I guess my MAJOR obstacle is my pms week! I NEED to take a detour from my usual SWEET order to accomplish my goal of at least staying BELOW 200 pounds! oh my gosh...I got under 200 but now, after today and pms...ARG!!!

    Congrats to you and the 39...that's still great :))

  9. Just found your blog through I plan on continuing to check in! I really like your plan and your honesty.

    I just started a blog on training for my first triathlon - please read and pass it on if you enjoy!

  10. You are right!!! Everyone is a winner!!! My goals for rcember are - zumba, and move move move! And eat healthy! I so need to lose ten pounds this month. Awesome post!
    Have a pretty day!
